Author Archives: Jack

The Myths of Penis Enlargement

Throughout the ages mankind has always been ready to make up for any lack of knowledge with a combination of intuition, deduction, observation and outright invention that is usually called myth. Myths are stories that are based to a certain degree on what men understood from the facts before them. Their purpose is to fill a gap either in knowledge or in morals. A good example of a widespread myth that has no real basis and is meant to enforce a certain type of behavior is the […]

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Penis Enlargement – Quick and Safe?

Penis enlargement is the second most demanded option of male sexual enhancement after impotence treatment. You can find hundreds of different solutions online that will promise you a bigger, longer, thicker, and more powerful penis. Nowadays most of people are time poor and have a fair amount of disposable income, the idea of a quick recipe to successful penis enlargement is very tempting but there are no safe shortcuts. The most direct and brutal method is surgery. You will have some gain with a lot of pain […]

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Penis Enlargement Programs – What To Look Out For

So, are you lucky enough to have a brain that helped you to achieve hard and brilliant studies, make you climb to the top of your company and make a fortune ? Sadly, an amazing brain can come with a less than satisfactory penis. But relax, thousands of men have to cope with this situation, forced to live with a small penis that doesn’t make human relationships easy. But rest assured that technology can help you with an arsenal of new penis enlargement programs, based on herbal […]

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Penis Enlargement Products – Are They Really Better Than Surgery?

The most common penis enlargement products include four types of products: pills, stretchers, exercises, and patches. To know which suits you best, here are some of the points for each that you may have to study further. The Pills From the point of view of many who are delving for a simpler method, the pills are the easiest course of action to go for. These are practically convenient for their easier access and purchase. And most find these products simple to use. According to a particular market […]

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Penis Enlargement Facts

Many men pay attention to the length of their penis. Many never imagine the girth of the penis when one is considering penis enlargement. The size of the penis can make some men feel insecure and less of a man, as size indeed plays a big role in a man’s life. Despite this, many women want the girth of the penis aside from its length. The size of a man’s penis plays a major role for a woman as she gets her most pleasure out of it. […]

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Penis Enlargement

Men are you experience a desire for penis enlargement, yet think others will think you are homosexual. Penis enlargement gives sense of power not only with sex, but also with the fact that it sounds disingenuous. Penis enlargement will give you feeling of strength, power, vitality, manhood. Penis size bound up with our view of sexual attractiveness and sexual competence. Our view of manliness is serious and although men know that penis size is variable and that sexual satisfaction is not about the larger the better, achieving […]

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Maintaining Motivation During Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement always seems like a good idea at first. Even those who don’t believe in the effectiveness of penis enlargement techniques and who dismiss all results as frauds, fakes and scams would certainly not mind to be proved wrong. There are few men on the face of the earth that are completely satisfied with the size of their penises. Still, the hardest thing about penis enlargement is to hang on to that initial feeling that you’re doing something good for yourself. Motivation is crucial to all […]

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Do Penis Enlargement Pills Really Work

Penis enlargement is becoming a wide spread. Men are becoming more aware of penis enhancement, finding need of a larger penis. Sex, looks, attractive is a quality men seek. Men have options for enlargement of the penis. Natural exercise enhancement, pills, surgery enlargement, penis enlargement devices are some enlargement techniques. With pills and capsules which are made mainly herbal based claim that an increase of 50% of the penis. Herbal extracts, vitamins, and extracts vary ingredients found in pills and capsules for penis enlargement. Yohimbine is the […]

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Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement exercises are a good alternative with many guys who lack the time, the money or the inclination to try other male enhancement approaches. It is well known that some men view traction devices with distrust, while others are leery of pills. One really can’t blame others for refusing to swallow the first penis enlargement pills they come across on the specialized market. It’s only natural to be cautious when deciding whether to try something new or not, especially when dealing with products whose effectiveness is […]

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Is Penis Enlargement Safe?

Yes it is 100% safe, obviously you have to be careful and avoid the dangerous techniques. Studies have shown that most men are interested in penis enlargement. In fact these studies show that most men are not satisfied with their penis length or their sexual performance. They are also dissatisfied with the firmness of the erect penis, but are unwilling to talk with their doctor about what they perceive as a problem. Many men are convinced that their penis is not large enough to satisfy their lover. […]

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